 The BMW Italian Open Programme
Wednesday 6th May
Fondiaria SAI ? SDA Express Courier Pro Am, 4-player team match ? 1 professional and 3 amateurs.
Format: 18 holes medal, four balls, best ball
First start at 7.30 a.m.
Thursday 7th May
The BMW Italian Open starts 7.30 a.m.: first round starts (18 holes). 156 players (out of which 6 amateurs)
Friday 8th May
7.30 a.m.: second round starts (18 holes). Ranks 1-65 professionals plus those coming equal 65th, and amateurs whose score is not higher than the one of rank 65 will attend the 3rd and 4th round.
Saturday 9th May
7.30 a.m.: third round starts (18 holes).
Sunday 10th May
7.30 a.m.: fourth and last round starts (18 holes) 5.00-5.30 p.m. prize giving
Details and updates on:
The official web site of the BMW Italian Open tournament: www.bmwitalianopen.it
The web site of the Italian Golf Federation: www.federgolf.it
The web site of the European tour with real-time results: www.europeantour.com
Special prizes
BMW hole-in-one award hole 15
The first to get hole 15 (198 meters, par 3) in one shot, will be awarded with the new BMW Z4, the first Roadster by BMW with fully automatic hardtop combining the highest driving pleasure with the highest sports potential. The Classic Roadster has come out again, with a modern and more powerful state-of-the art look.
Trofeo Regione Piemonte
to the first runner-up